Tickets are available here on our website in the online store.


There are sometimes convention programmes in English or French. Check the abbreviations [EN] or [FR] in the programme.
Concerts or the framework programme are not linked to any language.


Holders of a disabled person’s pass with the B mark are entitled to bring a companion free of charge. Please send an email with the relevant proof to tickets-festival@aboutpop.de. Further information can be found here.


Yes, all schoolchildren who can provide proof of their school ID, for example, can buy a reduced-price ticket. Admission is free for anyone under the age of 6.


Yes, just bring your valid student ID with you as proof.


For About Pop 2025, there will be combination tickets for both days and day tickets for one day each. There are NO tickets available just for one concert / live-show or just one location.


Unfortunately, cancellation is not possible. However, you can ‘inherit’ or transfer your ticket to someone else via the infield ticket system, where all options can be purchased. So as soon as you have found someone to take over your ticket, you can easily return it to the place where you bought it.

© Madlen Medvedovvsky


You will find the Wizemann Areal (and thus also the Im Wizemann and the Impact Hub) at Quellenstr. 7, 70376 Stuttgart. You can get there by public transport (Glockenstraße stop) or by car.


From the Glockenstraße stop, walk a short distance uphill and cross Pragstraße at the traffic lights. If you continue uphill a little further and then turn right into Quellenstraße, you will be there in a few minutes. You can call up your best connection directly from the VVS timetable information: www.vvs.de/fahrplan


RegioRadStuttgart for a flexible journey: With the polygoCard tariff, the first 30 minutes of every bike ride are free, the first 15 minutes with a pedelec and the daily price for 24 hours is a maximum of 7 euros (bike), 10 euros (pedelec) and 12 euros (cargo pedelec). For a rental between 6 p.m. and 9 a.m. the following day, you pay a maximum of 1.50 euros (in the polygoCard tariff) or 2 euros (basic or light tariff). You can find more information at www.regioradstuttgart.de


If you arrive by car, you can park in the Wizemann parking garage (top two floors). Please do not use the numbered private parking spaces at the beginning of Quellenstraße. Despite parking spaces, we ask you to avoid using your car as far as possible and to use public transportation.

Eine Frau lacht und macht Seifenblasen.
© Ilkay Karakurt


Reduced-price tickets are available for people who are studying, going to school, doing voluntary social service (FSJ/FÖJ, BFD), trainees, people who can prove that they cannot afford the above prices or for people with disabilities.

For a discount, valid proof must be shown at the entrance (e.g. student ID, school ID, proof of receipt of citizen’s allowance, bonus card, severely disabled person’s ID).


Sure, with a festival ticket you have the following advantages, among others: You have access to all acts in all venues on both festival days. Access to all pre-sessions is also included.


The entire About Pop is planned with sustainability, participation and diversity in mind. We want to organise a festival that won’t just be a burden on the environment in the future. To this end, we reuse materials, offer vegan-vegetarian catering and regularly assess our carbon footprint.

What can you do? Travel by train, bus or carpool, for example. CO2 emissions from passenger transport are still the biggest factor at almost all festivals.


For all program items – first come, first served! If you really want to see an act, get there early. We will try to inform you as soon as possible about full venues and rooms in 2025 so that you can plan better. More details to come soon.


You’ll find all the details about validity, access restrictions and more in our general terms and conditions of sale. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail: aboutpop@region-stuttgart.de

Is your question missing? Then write to us at aboutpop@region-stuttgart.de!

Helping Hands

Would you like to support us at the next About Pop? Looking after artists in the backstage, setting up and dismantling, looking after the information stand or individual rooms, or supporting the project management on site?


Then please send an email to aboutpop@region-stuttgart.de

Eine Gruppe Menschen mit dem Rücken zur Kamera. Auf dem Tshirt der linken Person steht groß Crew


Why is a carbon footprint important? What was the result of the first carbon footprint for About Pop and where do we want to go with it?

The entire About Pop is being planned with sustainability, participation and diversity in mind. We want to create a festival that won’t just be a burden on the environment in the future. In 2023, we were supported by sustainability consultant Julian Vogels. In 2024, we worked with the Institute for Future Culture to continue the programme.

Code of Conduct

As the Pop-Büro Region Stuttgart, we have formulated a Code of Conduct to guide us in our work.

Part of this is that we reject all forms of discrimination and racism, anti-Semitism (including Israel-related), ableism, ageism, classism, nationalism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia, religious fundamentalism and any other form of group-based misanthropy.

One of our aims is to organise our own campaigns, events and projects in a fundamentally diverse manner in order to act as a role model. In doing so, we want to stand for an open society, but we are also open to constructive criticism.


The entire Code of Conduct can be found here on the Pop-Büro website. (german only)

Das Bild zeigt viele Menschen, die über das Gelände des Wizemann Areals laufen. Das Bild wurde bei der About Pop 2023 aufgenommen.


About Pop wants to be a space for everyone and proactively counteract the lack of visibility of people with disabilities in pop culture.

As part of a training programme, we have looked at accessibility and inclusive cultural work. We consider this to be an indispensable aspect of a sensitive environment and equal participation.

Our festival team is supported in this process by experts in their own right in order to best understand and implement the needs of our visitors with disabilities.

In addition to accessibility, awareness is also very important to us. We therefore want to ensure that everyone feels informed and supported at all times.


Are you missing important information? Feel free to send us an email or give us a call: 0711-22835-750.

About Pop wants to be a space for everyone and proactively counteract the lack of visibility of people with disabilities in pop culture. As part of a training course, we have looked at accessibility and inclusive cultural work because we consider this to be an indispensable aspect of a sensitive environment and equal participation.


Our festival team is supported in this process by experts in their own right in order to best understand and implement the needs of our visitors with disabilities.


When purchasing a discounted ticket for a person with a disability (e.g. proof of a B in the ID card), a free ticket can be booked for the accompanying person.

If you do not (yet) have proof of your disability or have any other difficulties with ticket booking or queries, you can contact us directly: barrierefrei@region-stuttgart.de


On Friday: Assistance dogs and guide dogs for the blind are welcome on the Wizemann site. Our admission staff will be informed. A water bowl for your four-legged companion is available at the awareness point.

Saturday: We are currently working on clear information for all locations.


The programme items in sign language will soon be listed here.

If you would like one of the programme items translated, we will be happy to include it.


On Friday: Together with experts on our own behalf, we check that the following information is up to date.

Unfortunately, About Pop is not fully wheelchair accessible on all levels. We are doing our best to maximise accessibility. We recommend that blind visitors are accompanied, as the event site can be very complex.

The area in the Wizemann is largely at ground level and is accessible by wheelchair with minimal vibration. However, some doors are difficult to open. In addition, some catering counters and cloakrooms are high by default and not wheelchair-accessible. Please do not hesitate to ask for assistance from staff or the awareness team.

The inner courtyard is accessible at ground level. One of our two awareness points is also located here.

In the studio, the first (seated) rows are marked for wheelchair users, people with other disabilities and their accompanying persons.

In the hall, there is a barrier-free area in front of the stage marked on the floor.

In the Happen you will find one of our catering areas. The seating is flexible and the tables are wheelchair accessible.

The Atelier is the only room on the upper floor of the Wizemann and unfortunately does not have a lift.


At Impact Hub, just the Schlosserei and the Foyer are accessible for wheelchairs.


On Saturday: Detailed barrier information about the locations on Saturday will follow very soon. In the meantime, please inform yourself on wheelmap.org (information here without guarantee from our side) or have a look at the locations online.

If you need support, please write us an email or give us a call: 0711-22835-750.


Wizemann Areal on Friday: The underground lines U13 and U16 will take you to the festival grounds in a largely barrier-free manner. The nearest stop ‘Glockenstraße (Mahle)’ is approx. 3-4 minutes away from the main entrance and is wheelchair accessible with a ramp. Due to a slight incline on the way to the event site and a construction site directly at the entrance, we recommend the assistance of an accompanying person.

Detailed information about the locations on Saturday will follow very soon, please inform yourself in the meantime on wheelmap.org (information here without guarantee from our side).

If you are travelling alone or need organisational help with your travel planning, please contact us: barrierefrei@region-stuttgart.de

We have timetables available at the info point for your departure.


Our website is designed according to the minimum requirements for screen reader users. Image descriptions for graphic elements are as precise as possible. If you are missing information on our website, in the infield app or on our social media channels, please contact us. If you need help planning your trip, you can contact us at any time.

The lighting conditions in some event rooms can vary greatly and therefore also be irritating. For Friday, we will endeavour to mark all steps and other danger spots with as much contrast as possible. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee complete marking in the venues on Saturday.


On Friday: On the Wizemann Areal there are a total of nine marked disabled parking spaces in the first basement level of the ‘Wizemann Areal’ multi-storey car park (street: Im Schwenkrain). The entrance height is 2.10 metres. The barrier-free exit is also located on the first basement level. Parking in the multi-storey car park is subject to a charge and costs a one-off fee of 5 euros with no time limit.

On Saturday: There are car parks near most of the locations. Please inform yourself in good time about suitable options for you. You are welcome to contact us for support.


Dynamic lighting effects are used at some concerts. If this poses a health or mental problem for you, we ask you to take good care of yourself and contact our staff immediately if you are not feeling well.


We will do our best to point out possible light effects in closed rooms.

We hope you understand that lighting effects are a popular form of visual design at concerts and that we only have limited influence on the decisions of the artists. Thank you!


There are 4 permanently installed barrier-free toilets on the Wizemann site: In the Wizemann Studio, in front of the Wizemann Hall, in front of the Wizemann Club and on the ground floor of the Impact Hub. There will also probably be two mobile porta-potties in the area of the outdoor stage.

Do you need more information? Or if you are unhappy with the state of a toilet, simply contact us by e-mail or call us on 0711-22835-750.


Die About Pop 2024 steht unter dem Zeichen: »Kunst und Kultur für Alle« – daher möchten wir euch einen ganz besonderen Service für Gäste mit einer Behinderung anbieten.

Um noch mehr Teilhabe und Begegnungen zu ermöglichen, gibt es in diesem Jahr in Kooperation mit dem Projekt »Inklusion Muss Laut Sein« einen kostenfreien Begleitservice für Gäste mit einer Behinderung.


Bewerbungen sind ab sofort und bis zum 13. Mai 2024 möglich.

Die BUDDIE-Begleitung ist kostenfrei.

»Inklusion Muss Laut Sein« begleitet seit 2015 Menschen mit einer Behinderung zu Kulturveranstaltungen und Kunst-Events aller Art und setzt hierbei auf das »BUDDIE-Netzwerk«, bestehend aus mehr als 15.000 ehrenamtlichen Helfer*innen in Deutschland.

Die »BUDDIES« begleiten die Aktivitäten und leisten Gesellschaft. Dadurch haben die Teilnehmer*innen die Möglichkeit, selbstbestimmt am kulturellen Leben teilzunehmen.

»Das ABOUT POP Festival 2024 ist ein besonderes Ereignis für die Kulturregion in und um Stuttgart, das man nicht alle Tage erlebt. Wir möchten Teilhabe und Selbstbestimmung fördern und somit die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderung stärken. Zudem dient der BUDDIE-Service dem Gedanken des Vernetzens und dem Austausch«, erklärt Ron Paustian, der Gründer von »Inklusion Muss Laut Sein«.

Die Zahl der Plätze ist begrenzt. Berechtigt für eine »BUDDIE«-Begleitung sind Kulturfreunde und Kulturfreundinnen, die ein B im Schwerbehindertenausweis haben.


Sollte dieses aufgrund einer Neurodiversität nicht der Fall sein, so sprich uns trotzdem gerne an, wir finden dann eine für dich passende Lösung.

Für Fragen steht das Team von »Inklusion Muss Laut Sein« gerne zur Verfügung (E-Mail: info@i-m-l-s.com, WhatsApp 0178-3595268).

Die »BUDDIES« begleiten die Aktivitäten und leisten Gesellschaft. Dadurch haben die Teilnehmer*innen die Möglichkeit, selbstbestimmt am kulturellen Leben teilzunehmen.

»Das ABOUT POP Festival 2024 ist ein besonderes Ereignis für die Kulturregion in und um Stuttgart, das man nicht alle Tage erlebt. Wir möchten Teilhabe und Selbstbestimmung fördern und somit die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderung stärken. Zudem dient der BUDDIE-Service dem Gedanken des Vernetzens und dem Austausch«, erklärt Ron Paustian, der Gründer von »Inklusion Muss Laut Sein«.

Eine Gruppe von Mensch mit und ohne behinderung besuchen ein Konzert. Sie stehen mitten im Geschehen und lachen gemeinsam.

Was ist About Pop? (Leichte Sprache)

About Pop ist Englisch.
Übersetzt heißt es: Über Pop.
Das bedeutet: Es geht um Pop·musik.
So spricht man es aus: Ä-baut Pop.

About Pop ist ein Festival und eine Convention für Pop·kultur, Musik·wirtschaft, Jugend·kultur und Nacht·leben.

Was bedeutet das?

About Pop ist ein Festival.
Das bedeutet: Es gibt Konzerte bei About Pop.

About Pop ist eine Convention.
So spricht man das Wort aus: Kon-wenn-schn.
Das bedeutet: Bei About Pop treffen sich Menschen.
Alle diese Menschen interessieren sich für Pop·musik.

Bei der About Pop Convention gibt es viele verschiedene Veranstaltungen.
Zum Beispiel: Lesungen, Ausstellungen, Gespräche, Workshops.

Für wen ist About Pop?

für alle Menschen, die sich für Pop·musik interessieren
für Menschen, die mit Musik ihr Geld verdienen
für Menschen die gerne ausgehen
für Menschen, die Konzerte mögen


About Pop findet immer einmal im Jahr statt.
An einem Tag im Wizemann Areal in der Nähe von Stuttgart. In Bad Cannstatt. An einem zweiten Tag an verschiedenen Orten in Stuttgart.


Hast Du Fragen? Oder möchtest Du uns etwas sagen?
Dann melde dich gerne bei uns.
So kannst du uns erreichen: Du kannst bei uns im Büro anrufen.
Das ist unsere Telefon·nummer: 0711 22 83 57 50.
Du kannst montags bis freitags anrufen. Immer von 10 bis 17 Uhr.

Oder schreib uns eine E-Mail an diese Adresse: aboutpop@region-stuttgart.de


Hast du Fragen zur Barrierefreiheit?

Dann schreib uns eine E-Mail an diese Adresse: barrierefrei@region-stuttgart.de

Und du findest uns auch bei Instagram und Facebook.


Without the support of our supporting institutions, funding bodies and (media) partners, it would hardly be possible to realize a project as large as About Pop in this form. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them all!

Would you like to become a sponsoring or media partner? Contact us: pop-info@region-stuttgart.de

The Pop-Büro Region Stuttgart, which organizes About Pop, is an offer of the Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation, the Stuttgart Youth House Society with the support of the City of Stuttgart (Cultural Office):

About Pop is supported by Initiative Musik gemeinnützige Projektgesellschaft mbH with project funding from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

We are also supported by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts, RegioNet and the Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart (VVS).

Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS) is one of our two supporting institutions and the central point of contact for companies, local authorities, start-ups, investors, specialists and journalists on the subject of business in the city of Stuttgart and the five surrounding districts.

Whether in daycare, at school or in the children’s and youth center: Stuttgarter Jugendhaus Gesellschaft (stjg) is one of our two supporting institutions and helps young people grow up. They offer children and young people not only educational, care, leisure and vacation activities, but also spaces to meet and try things out – and are also there as a point of contact, advisor and a place to get help.

The Cultural Office of the City of Stuttgart supports us institutionally and is also a partner for the promotion, development and planning of various Stuttgart artists and cultural institutions. With its central services and six of its own cultural institutions with a total of 750 employees, it carries out a wide range of municipal cultural work in the state capital of Stuttgart. In doing so, it makes a significant contribution to the city’s character as a cultural city with a rich cultural offering.

About Pop is supported by Initiative Musik gemeinnützige Projektgesellschaft mbH with project funding from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

We are also supported by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts, RegioNet and the Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart (VVS).

About Pop is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM). It is responsible for the cultural and media policy of the Federal Republic of Germany, supported and monitored by the Committee on Culture and the Media in the German Bundestag.

The Initiative Musik is the central funding organization of the Federal Government and the music industry for the German music industry. The initiative strengthens the presentation and distribution of music from Germany at home and abroad. In addition, the Initiative Musik is currently implementing several sub-programs for the federal government as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR rescue and future package.

The Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg represents key areas of Baden-Württemberg policy. As the highest state authority, it is responsible for all of the state’s universities, the majority of non-university research institutions, scientific libraries and archives as well as important art institutions in Baden-Württemberg.

Meaningful promotion of popular culture, music and the scene in Baden-Württemberg can only be achieved and established in co-operation with the regions. This is why the Popakademie’s RegioNet not only supports the scene in Mannheim, but also projects in other cities in the region. Through cooperation with the pop culture centres of Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Ulm and the Neckar-Alb, Bodensee-Oberschwaben and Heilbronn-Franken regions, networking and the development of long-term structures are implemented.

The Stuttgart Transport and Tariff Association (VVS) ensures uniform fares and conditions of carriage for the 40 or so transport companies that are part of the VVS. The network area includes the state capital Stuttgart and the five districts of Böblingen, Göppingen, Ludwigsburg, Esslingen and the Rems-Murr district.

Rent an e-moped in Stuttgart: Simple. Silent. CO2-free.
Together for sustainable mobility: With stella-sharing from Stadtwerke Stuttgart, you can get around Stuttgart cleanly, safely and quicklyindependent of stations and without the hassle of looking for a parking space!

The partners of About Pop are the Koordinierungsstelle Nachtleben, Next Mannheim, Club Kollektiv Stuttgart and Clubkultur Baden-Württemberg:


Behind the online presence »Stuttgart by night« is the COORDINATING OFFICE NIGHTLIFE for Stuttgart and the region. Two people belong to this coordination office: Together, they are committed to the further development of nightlife in Stuttgart and the region. Currently, Nils Runge as nightlife manager and Andreas Topp as project manager for nightlife coordination at the state capital Stuttgart are responsible for the broad spectrum of nightlife issues in Stuttgart and the region.


CLUB KOLLEKTIV STUTTGART E.V. has been representing the interests of clubs and event organizers from the city and region since 2013. According to our self-image, we primarily represent the interests of club, live and off-culture vis-à-vis politics and administration.


At NEXT MANNHEIM, the CULTURAL INNOVATION Office initiates, promotes and realizes sustainable urban cultural projects – in collaboration with cultural professionals, artists, creatives, scientists and citizens. These interdisciplinary projects are drivers of innovation and are actively used for culture- and creativity-driven urban development. A particular focus is on the promotion of night culture. The initialization of the first Night Mayor in Germany created a mediating interface between operators, residents, administration and authorities in order to structurally and sustainably strengthen Mannheim’s nightlife and proactively provide new impetus.


CLUBKULTUR BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG E.V. is the association representing the interests of those involved in club, cultural and music events as well as concerts and festivals in Baden-Württemberg; in particular the operators of live music venues and music clubs as well as organizers in the pop music sector.

Our media partners in 2025 are Das Wetter, Diffus, laut.de, Kessel.TV and rausgegangen:

Das Wetter – Magazin für Text und Musik is an independent cultural magazine that was founded in Berlin in October 2013. It has been published quarterly ever since and is available nationwide. The publisher and editor-in-chief is Sascha Ehlert; the literary editor and proofreader is Katharina Holzmann.

DIFFUS is the digital music magazine for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We present the most exciting music news and produce podcasts and exclusive video content such as interviews, documentaries and live sessions.

laut.de is a German-language online magazine that deals exclusively with popular music, in particular pop music, rock music, alternative, metal, hip-hop, jazz and techno. In addition to genre descriptions, interviews and descriptions of bands and solo artists from the music sector are made available online.

Kessel.TV is the best-known blog from Stuttgart – Kessel Leben between nightlife, clubs, gastronomy, parties, city politics, sneakers, music and the Internet.

Rausgegangen is one of the largest platforms for event recommendations in Germany. Its app and secret concerts are on everyone’s lips from north to south.

ByteFM is a moderated music and culture radio station. Without commercials and with a hand-picked selection of music.
ByteFM takes an enthusiastic and critical look at music: in album reviews and interviews, with concert announcements, portraits of labels, artists and bands, scenes, news and connections.