+++ TAUSEND DANK! +++ SAVE THE DATE: 16. + 17. Mai 2025 +++


2 days, 75 bands, 150 speakers, 24 locations: About Pop 2024 radiates far beyond Stuttgart!


See the full programm


Whether festival, day or night ticket. All options are available here.


To the shop


Who is behind About Pop? What is there to know about accessibility, Helping Hands or the partners?


Answers to all questions can be found here


About Pop is the only event for current topics relating to pop culture and pop music in Stuttgart with an impact on the entire region and Baden-Württemberg. It takes place annually as a festival & convention at the Wizemann Areal in Stuttgart-Bad-Cannstatt. In 2024 it will take place for the sixth time and for the first time as a two-day event!


More info


Whether on, behind or next to the stage: with us you can lend a hand, help shape the show and even apply to be a talent for a performance!


Go directly to About Talent application

Register as a Helping Hand now

Alles dabei

Timetable, Updates, Erinnerungen: Mit der infield App habt ihr immer alles parat – kostenlos in der Hand- und Hosentasche.


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