Now. New. Next.

Now. New. Next.
and thus the answer to current music and cultural trends: artists who define the sound of the moment and pop cultural topics that are at the centre of current discussions.
In addition to the here and now, About Pop also focuses on the new.
Discovery, experimentation and the zeitgeist are defined by innovative, carefully curated booking, talks on relevant topics from the music industry and workshops that pick up on new ideas and develop them further.
About Pop focuses on the future and endeavours to sustainably integrate and promote the local cultural and music scene. In doing so, it relies on a large network of regional, national and international musicians.
In 2025, the festival-convention hybrid will once again become a two-day festival-convention-showcase spectacle.
Lots of programme across the Stuttgart region and beyond! Look forward to the seventh edition.
The following were involved in 2024: Atelier Farbe, A.K.T; Pforzheim, clubCANN, contain’t, das K – Kornwestheim, die Halle e.V. Reichenbar, Goldmark’s, Hotel Central, Impact Hub Stuttgart, Im Wizemann, JuHa West, Kleinkunstkeller & Keller Bietigheim, KOMMA x Dieselstrasse, Kulturbunker, Kulturhaus Schwanen, Kulturzentrum Merlin, Laboratorium, Landesmuseum Württemberg, Park der Villa Reitzenstein, Rakete, RAMPE, ruby Hanna, Schwarzer Keiler, Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart, Stadion der Träume (at Marienplatz), StadtPalais – Museum für Stuttgart, Sunny High, Werkstatthaus and white noise club.
Come along and use your festival ticket for free entry to the pre-sessions. There is usually a box office for all last-minute visitors. Admission with your ticket is always first come, first serve!
About Night, which takes place as part of About Pop in Stuttgart, is all about important topics from night culture and night economy. It brings together ideas and people from club culture and the night-time economy, thematises social coexistence and thus provides impetus for a city of the future.
What do you actually do at a convention? What are receptions for? And how do I get started in networking?
The About Talents programme is aimed at young people – whether they are musicians, in management, booking, have their own label, are video directors, PR managers or journalists.
As soon as you are a participant in the About Talents programme after a short application by a jury decision, you can let off steam in the Wizemann area with a free ticket for Friday. You will also meet the other Talents at the start of the programme and can make your first contacts straight away. Seize the opportunity and apply to find your way into the industry, pursue it further and develop yourself as an artist!
The application phase for About Pop 2025 has not yet begun.
You can apply for the About Talents program with your personal professional vision. Once you have been selected by the jury as a participant in the About Talents program, you can let off steam on site with a free ticket. You will also meet the other Talents at the start and can make your first contacts straight away. Seize the opportunity and apply to find your way into the industry, pursue it further and develop as an artist!
From music production, social media, graffiti and body neutrality to career guidance and youth participation – About Y includes many different, exciting workshops and other interactive formats.
Admission to ‘About Y’ is free for everyone! You are very welcome to join us for further education and networking. Registration is not compulsory, but it helps us with the planning and you are guaranteed a place.
The team behind About Pop is the Pop-Büro Region Stuttgart.
As a partner, we promote, develop and plan projects in pop music, pop and youth culture. We also make a significant contribution to the character and quality of the Stuttgart economic region, actively support and accompany youth culture and define cultural spaces and offerings in the Stuttgart region.