

The Stuttgart duo, consisting of singer Mara and producer Vela, impress with clear and catchy productions, coupled with urban energy and an infectious sense of freedom that is conveyed with ease. Clearly inspired by a techno aesthetic, both musically and visually, Mara and Vela deliver a timeless take on pop music with contemporary influences.

Inspired by Christina Aguilera, Rosalia and Cro, the big stage is the declared goal. Emerging from the Stuttgart club scene and equipped with a local grassroots movement, Mara and Vela are ready to play their way to the forefront.

Without musical blinkers, they create a sound that radiates melancholy and warmth as well as clear references to content. The symbiosis of lyrics and music is unmistakable and unforgettable.

Das Foto zeigt die Musikerin Mara. Sie trägt zwei blonde Zöpfe, ein weißes Shirt, viele Ringe an den Fingern und Kopfhörer. Sie zündet sich gerade eine Zigarette an, ihr blick ist auf ihre Hand mit einem feuerzeug gerichtet.