Sunny High Club

Donna Savage

Donna Savage, a talented female rapper from Vienna, shines with hard punchlines and a huge dose of self-confidence. Donna Savage doesn’t give a damn about role clichés and rap pigeonholes, she bangs on both trap and boom bap beats.

After her anti-cat-calling anthem ‘Blutwiese’, which became a long running hit on the ‘Deutschrap Untergrund’ playlist at the end of 2021, she delivered ‘CRUSH’, an homage to the house sound of the 90s and a real summer hit at the same time. Her EP ‘Parole Donna’, released in May 2023, was celebrated by fans and media alike, and Donna Savage now confidently places her uncompromising lyrics on Break Sinatra’s Wave Planet Records label, making it clear in her smoky voice that she is here to stay.

Abbildung einer Frau mit Schmuck, darunter eine Halskette und Ohrringe. Die Halskette zeigt ihren Namen, Donna Savage. Die beißt darauf.