Johanna Bauhus

Johanna Bauhus (she/her), label boss, musician, manager, promoter, organisational developer, expert in awareness concepts and product designer. Recently: lobbyist for change processes in the music industry. She achieved great media coverage in 2022 with the »Cock Am Ring« project, with which she ensured more diversity on festival line-ups. She also co-founded »Safe the Dance«, where she works on good practices and standards for awareness concepts and implements them, e.g. at major events such as SBÄM Fest or DEICHBRAND Festival. She won the Innovation Award at the Future of Festivals 2023 for this work.

With her queer feminist label »Ladies&Ladys« (the world’s first officially sexist music label), she was honoured by the German government as a »Culture & Creative Pilot 2022«.

She plays bass on »Wenn einer lügt dann wir«.

Eine Frau sitzt auf einem Lautsprecher im Proberaum und blickt auffordernd in die Kamera.