Schwarzer Keiler

Abbie Falls

Hailing from the heart of Europe, Abbie Falls are a relentless metalcore powerhouse guaranteed to tear up any live venue with their destructive breakdowns and unrelenting riffs. Lyrical lyrics about toxic relationships and dangerous addictions or an exploration of Jean-Paul Satre’s existentialism are all part of Abbie Falls’ repertoire.

Influenced by deathcore, the five-piece from Prague reached the two million stream mark with their debut EP in 2021 and have since become a real core insider tip not only in their Czech homeland. Recently signed to American label Seek & Strike, they are ready to storm the mosh pit with more releases, including their first appearance at the Summer Breeze Festival in 2023.

Fünf Männer stehen auf einer Brücke, das Bild ist in rote Farbe getaucht. Es wirkt bedrohlich.